Tag Archives: wall space

The Detritus of History

All this talk of art has brought me back to an old thought that I think is in need of revival.  As you may or may not be aware, the other third of this blog is dedicated to old advertising.  It’s an entirely separate blog but made to look like just another part of this one by some menus (so if you want updates on that you’ll have to subscribe to it individually).  On it I try to sift through this rather large pile of advertisements I’ve acquired over the years and provide some random commentary. Basically, they’re just more and different writing prompts.

At some point during all this “collecting”, I sat looking at a large pile of ads and thought that there must be SOMETHING I could do with all these things.  For God’s sake some of these are 100 year old so I’m certainly not going to pitch them. So I scan them and save them off on Picasa and then somewhat sadly put the originals into a box.  Even this fate seemed sad to me though.  It occurred to me that the right and proper place for these was to display them but I certainly don’t have sufficient wall space for all the things.  Thus, for a few months I went on a tear of putting together collages and giving them to people at work.  Some were well received and some… well, not so much.  I tried my utmost to personalize them to the person receiving them so that there would be some connection but it is worth noting that sometimes that’s rather hard to judge.

As I sit here on Saturday morning I think it may be time to revive this little art form.  Anyone wishing to purchase such a thing need merely drop me a line and I’ll cogitate upon the prospect.

Folly"  (Gilbert Radium Clocks)

"Folly" (Gilbert Radium Clocks)

"Smoke" (High Rollers - 1970s)

"Smoke" (High Rollers - 1970s)

Grape-Nuts and Kelloggs (1910s)

Grape-Nuts and Kelloggs (1910s)

Maxwell Motorors (1910s)

Maxwell Motors (1910s)

Calculating Machines - 1910s, 1980s

Calculating Machines - 1910s, 1980s

Columbia Grafonola - 1920s

Columbia Grafonola - 1920s

Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream - 1910s

Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream - 1910s

Univac, Atari and 60s Kodak Movie Cam

Univac, Atari and 60s Kodak Movie Cam

1970s Commodore Calculator

1970s Commodore Calculator


Filed under personal